reductilqhmkqdnheo の変更点 - PukiWiki by illuminum

 I love seeing how pelope can contort their faces in a way that makes them look completely unlike themselves. We allow everybody to post, even if they aren’t traditionally pretty to begin with, because everybody can get uglier when they try.   Really? How utterly generous of you to let those not  traditionally  women into your charmed little circle.  Who made you the arbiter of what is pretty and what is not anyway? Most of the posters chose to make themselves look obese to provide the  ugly  side.  So I guess those of us who are larger than the  pretty  girls, can conclude that they are ugly.  Because of course in your superficial, narrow minded worlds, fat = ugly.  Here's a clue for the ignorant, superficial, bullying, clueless, mean girls who think it's  fun  to mock those that are not considered as  charming  as they are: you know, the disfigured girls, the stroke victims, those with receding chins, and the obese, all of those girls who will see these pictures that you bitches were so  brave  to post. In my eyes, you are all hateful, meanspirited, and ugly.  And there is no cure for your kind of ugliness.  Alll of you should be ashamed for perpetuating this kind of bullying.

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