zorgverzekering studenten のバックアップ差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Sta ti vredi ta lepota,kada zivis pored Skota.Pusti da te Srbin smtoada osetis car zivota.Pametna si, lepa curazato bezi od kengura.Nije covek tvog zivotai ovde je skot do skota.Autor: Ilic Vasilije od Semberije
Lets be happy that the lobby and negotiations by Kim te Riele    a true <a href="http://ukpgnxcwja.com">reeinsdt</a> of Saba    has been succesful so far. May be that even my request to the parliament to disapprove in a motion in the Second Chamber the measures on healthcare and to make the minister draw back the decision  (and may be that even the attempts of others) are less important than this direct approach by Kim and by probably also other physiotherapist and by dentists.

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