visit see 2013 1 のバックアップ差分(No.5) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Hi,I am currently using a<a href=""> wsropreds</a> site for my new photography business. I have been looking at smugmug as they have a good sales area and it will (hopefully) help me to sell more prints.I know next to nothing about CSS/HTML and have bought a template for my<a href=""> wsropreds</a> site. I'm not attached to this at all and want to change it anyway to reflect what I'm doing better and to promote sales. Also I don't think I get the most from it with my little knowledge of coding. I know I could try to learn but to be honest I have so much to do launching my business I just haven't got time to.Anyway my reluctance is the price of the templates for smugmug, cheapest I've seen is $300+ compared to the theme I bought for<a href=""> wsropreds</a> at $35. Does anyone know where I can get a good theme or some help with CSS cheaper than this. I only want a fairly basic site, selling prints is the main reason for wanting to change, along with its easier to use interface (in my opinion) and to promote and sell my service. I am happy to pay but on a limited budget and smugmug will cost me $150 for the 1st year, so looking to spend more in the region of $100 for a template.Any advice would be appreciated as I am very new to web sites.Thanks
I have a wordpress blog and I would like to check that it has been set up for SEO as well as<a href=""> psobisle</a>. How should I check that it is SEO'd as well as<a href=""> psobisle</a>? Is there some software that can check that it is OK?  Is there anything else that I can do?  Many thanks for your help!

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