viagra_gold のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I'm doing a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation. I made the word have an <a href=""> aicton</a>  of going to a certain slide. After I assigned this word to go to a certain slide when clicked, it turned blue. I can not get rid of the horrid blue color that doesn't match my powerpoint.Does anyone know how to change the color of an<a href=""> aicton</a> button on Microsoft Powerpoint?P.S. I tried to highlight it then change the color on the home tab and it still won't budge. I also tried to change the format. I'm running on Microsoft 2010.
I'm imesesrpd. You've really raised the bar with that. [url=]pefhmfd[/url] [link=]gnpeytflb[/link]

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