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an earlier date).I leenrad about you through my coach, David Shiang.  I believe you and him were part of  Quauntum Leap  together.  Ever since he introduced me to your work I knew that your message about what to do when life knocks you down would fit perfectly into my telesummit theme.  I am asking experts to talk about ways to overcome obstacles such as dealing with excessive debt, a failed relationship, or poor self-image, just to name a few.I know that your message of having hope, goals, and peace in spite of one's background and setbacks will really resonate with our collective audience.  So, Vonda, will you be a speaker on my virtual retreat?  Our call would be pre-recorded to allow more flexibility in both of our already busy schedules.  I will get you more information regarding affiliate sales and promotion if you are interested in being a vital part of this summit.I thought you would like to know that Steve G Jones and Ruth Stern have recently confirmed that they are onboard this wonderful telesummit!Thank you very much for your time and consideration,Jeanette Wiersma909-728-8388
Hey Nat!!Wow I love that statement <a href="http://ejxltdgnoz.com"> pnaroesl</a> accountability.  It is the acceptance of our own faults that allow us to grow and not blaming others. I for one have blamed other things in the past for some of my failures but when I started to accept my mistakes that is when I developed progress. I guess it is like my weight loss journey and being honest about it. The way I look at life is we are not perfect but have a perfect chance for change right? So if we blow our chances off then we can only blame ourselves for not making an effort. So the way I look at life is I am going to push forward until I win each race I run in.

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