rfgwla のバックアップソース(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum
Hey Derek   great to see you doing a video post! I tell you what I HATE fish  but that Salmon looks sooooo good!It is so good to see you on here being so open about what it is you are doing in your <a href="http://xhuqfdy.com">pesanorl</a> life, I think it can be hard to be so vulnerable especially when it comes to your weight. I am really looking forward to you keeping us up to date on how you are going with it all!!I have been struggling the last few weeks with achieving some <a href="http://xhuqfdy.com">pesanorl</a> goals of mine, procrastinating and pretending to be busy but was really just spending a whole lot of time socialising on FB and what not keeping busy doing nothing!  It all came back to me not taking things seriously and letting myself down, which honestly I think is the worst person that you can let down . yourself!  So I have developed a new plan and strategy surrounding my own <a href="http://xhuqfdy.com">pesanorl</a> commitment to kick my own butt into gear and making sure that its all about <a href="http://xhuqfdy.com">pesanorl</a> accountability.Love your Tuesday posts . even if they do make me hungry cheersNat

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