oooooo のバックアップ差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

, “I began to talk like a Jew. I think I may well be a Jew.” I felt this can be interpreted in a few ways. It can mean the lieratl meaning, of how the person was mistaken to have Jewish decent and was being shipped off to many places, and just spent soo much time with legit Jewish people. But it can also mean or represent how the character might have felt about their father is similar to the Jewish people with the Nazis. That the person can relate to and with the Jewish.I thought the most interesting lines were, “At twenty I tried to die And get back, back, back to you I thought even the bones will do.”  When I first read them I thought the character missed the father. So for a poem about sadness, anger, and bitterness toward the father, it was a sudden change of feelings out of nowhere. But, as I thought about it, I now think the character might have been in such distraught and needed to express it to the same person that had caused them that in the first place. It kind of felt like the saying I often here in shows, “If you die now, I’ll come to drag you out of hell and send you back”, or something like that. I also felt this poem was very powerful. The last verse of the poem really showed the narrator’s strength and just being fed up dealing with the thoughts of their father. That the person is going to move on from their past with the father. How the father will not haunt or bother him/her no more. Over all ending that chapter of the character’s life and beginning anew. [p.s. I have a high chance of being able to go to the Dream Act Union Play.]

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