kamagra oral jelly france のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Hi Nephele,I've had two nonfiction books pusiebhld, both by traditional publishers, nonagented.Now I'm querying my first novel to agents, and I've been told it's important to develop an online presence for the unpusiebhld novel before I look for representation.  Should I post the first chapter on my website and encourage readers to post comments?  Thanks in advance,Tracy
Although I haven't tried to post an ad to sell a book on facebook.  I own a<a href="http://naqoxowkbd.com"> wdneidg</a> decoration company, and for 1 year I tried out running facebook ads, I demo/geo targeted them originally to 18-26 age group women and offered a discount if they mentioned the facebook ad when booking.I had zero sucess with this.So I thought going after the target audience wasn't the way to go, maybe I should expand to their parents..  Facebook always used my money, but after giving it several tries off and on a year, all it did was get me some additional facebook "Likes" and never resulted in any additional business.So I am not a fan of running ads on facebook.  I find I have much better success if I run ads on local free classifieds companies instead..I recently left a job in marketing and advertising and we used to sell ad space for companies and facebook.  The only ones that seemed to do pretty well were ads giving away something for free, I never saw reports or heard from any other clients who saw any spike in business...

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