kamagra en ligne のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Because most people aren't fcuikng retarded. Most people don't think you can solve gender issues by looking at the issues of ONLY ONE GENDER. And don't give me that  feminism believes in equality' bullshit. Feminism harps on about injustices to women when there are fuck all when compared to the thankless struggle men have to endure. Women are the chosen people of the world! And feminists still complain?Oh yeah the Titanic's sinking lets chuck all the women and children off!Remember when that guy beat on his girlfriend and society didn't care becuase she should just  woman up about it?' Keep quiet? Sorry that was so sarcastic. But now I'm annoyed so I'm going to go on women are raped? It's fcuikng awful. It;s one of the worst things.Men are raped too. I know two guys that have been raped. They have told no-one but a few close friends. If a woman gets raped it is a vicious and brutal thing. I'm not apologising for rapists here. But if a man is raped, he loses his entire identity. He could go to jail in Africa for being raped (seriously it happens to men almost as much as women and nobody does a god damn thing) Men can't talk about it because they'll go to jail. If he admits it, he loses his identity entirely. A woman is still a woman, even if she has been raped. Nothing can take a woman's identity away. She will get medical attention and help. MEN STILL GET NOTHING.Just saying. I know this is a dangerous topic and I am gonna get some major stick for it, but it is all true.But let's get back to spoiled rotten western feminists because they are the most abhorrent.Get back to work? Provide the longest and most taxed hours at work which pay for everything -let's take just one thing.  Child support?  For women who can divorce men (the majority do   70%) legally because  they're unhappy'? (in the majority of divorces this was the given reason) and then deny the man access to the kids, take half his stuff, and make him pay child support? IF HE DOES NOT DO THIS HE GOES TO PRISON AND WOMEN STILL THINK THEY ARE FORCED INTO SLAVERY. Who is the fcuikng slave 2014-12-21 (日) 16:57:08 Who is the fcuikng sexist 2014-12-21 (日) 16:57:08 And feminism even has the audacity to think that women cannot think for themselves, that they are only  acted upon' and have no responsibilities. I can go on. In fact I can refute any whimpering argument that any spoilt rotten feminist on here has to make. You think you're oppressed? you think you're viewed as an object? Try being a man. Try being used as a beast of burden. Try being an appliance. Try living a day in your life of responsibility. OH WAIT I FORGOT I'M A MAN I SHOULD JUST SHUT UP AND GET BACK TO WORK TO HELP SOME SPOILED ROTTEN BITCHES FEEL BETTER ABOUT THEMSELVES. Oh and by the way, those pictures are hilarious. Why are there feminists here trying to claim them?
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