hertenongoldga のバックアップ差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Chef John,In addtion to - Changing Password and Security Question/Answer, Scanning your PC with Antivirus And most iotrmpantly looking at Email Headers (in short, all mentioned above).I would advice thinking of - which computers (personal, friends, at work etc) you have used to login into your Yahoo account in the last month. (If you did, try to remember what other sensitive info you entered there as well... just in case)Again as mentioned above, they could be infected with Keyloggers/Trojans Even if they had Antivirus/Firewall installed.If you have used other computer than your personal one to login, then don't do that in future :DThats what I do, I don't enter any sensitive info through other computers unless Absolutely necessary. If I do, I change password when I get back home.
Yours is a clever way of thniinkg about it.

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