dtbsffen のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Hey Haaziq, yeah it's a fairly new blog..   and Yes, I do sell virgaa online for a living, it's hilarious but it's true..  @foongpc: Thanks Foong!   thanks also for following me on twitter and for coming over here and leaving a comment..  @Mariuca: Hey Marzie!   Thanks!   I don't think I want to stop selling virgaa though, I think it might have grown on me..   LOL
This movie was released about three<a href="http://orbbtnhnx.com"> monhts</a> ago on R1 dvd by Warner Bros. It really did'nt deserve to be on MST3K as its a movie that does work with some intelligent concepts and fun set pieces and contains some nicely designed hardware. Stylistically its like a cross between 2001 and Major Matt Mason....but dated!

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