chnwtatq のバックアップ差分(No.5) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Congratulations!  He is beautiful,<a href=""> wolmece</a> to the world baby James Asher.  Love the name, I have my own 21 year old James and he has been an absolute delight as I am sure your little boy will be too.
Veil of Lies is on my pile too, sounds good!  (as is yours!  My pile now<a href=""> cnosists</a> of over 100 books I seriously need to get reading!)Have fun at the beach!  I was just looking at pics of my eldest on her first day of kindergarten (now she's going into 3rd grade!) and she looked so LITTLE!  Brought tears to my eyes    They are so proud of themselves when they go to school, it is too cute!

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