ativgenmikon のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I am a daily blog reader and just have to say how happy I am for you guys!  We are ecnpxtieg baby #3 in the next 2 weeks so I am a bit jealous that yours is already here  And I just have to add that I LOVE that quote.  I have only heard it in the Dixie Chicks song (many years ago) but now that you brought it up again it makes me remember how much I like it.Enjoy your sweet new baby!Ann
oops...hahha, was logged in under <a href="">anotehr</a> account somehow...any way, save me one of these cause i want one as a souvenir :-)  maybe i can grab it from you if you guys make it to dinner next sat

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