andniaps のバックアップ差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

One can not purchase land  for open space  as using puilbc funds for an undefined purpose would not be legitimate. Since no one knows what open space is, it is useless to talk about open space in planning documents. Such vague and undefinable terms are dangerous to use. One can protect farms, forests, critical environmental areas, specific habitats or perhaps specific landscapes of historic or scenic value, but not open space.The Dutchess Land Conservancy does not own land.  It can own land, but typically doesn't.  It owns easements on land (Conservation Easements).  Neither the ownership of land by the Conservancy nor ownership of easements affect the tax status of land for property tax purposes although the assessor may take into account the existence of easements.  It is my impression that assessors in the town of Washington have not given consideration to the existence of an easement, although they are authorized to do so.It is time for the Comprehensive Planning Committee to get serious about how it proposes to deal with the land in the countryside.  So far there have been vague statements about zoning, hamlets, and things that might be done to  encourage  certain uses in the countryside, but these statements are a long way from being policy formulations.  Practically no data has been gathered, so most of the talk is talk in a vacuum. Without good data policy discussions are pointless.What action will be taken to gather data?  What maps are on hand?  What aerial photographs? What surveys will be prepared to measure what questions? Where, exactly, are the best soils for farming?  Who is doing what on those soils? Where are the best landscapes? Where are the best forests? Where the best timber? Where are the most important wildlife habitats? Where are there rare and endangered species?  Where are the water resources? What are the present housing densities in the various sectors of the town?  What are the subsoil conditions?  What is the carrying capacities of the land and soils? What is the capacity of soils for added density in areas already developed? How much water is available in the various sectors of the town? Where are the best farms?  The best farmland?Without the answer to some if not most of these questions, aren't we groping in the dark?On housing, we need answers: how many dwelling units are there in the town and in the village.  How many are multi-family?  How many apartments are there?  How many condos? How many auxilliary apartments are there?  How many vacancies are there? Numbers for the town and the village are needed.What is the present capacity of the Village water and wastewater systems? What percentage is currently used at various times of the year?  What is the present housing supply?  What is the present rate of absorption?Without data, we plan in the dark. Let there be light.

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