Zrppjakm のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Heather, congrats on your beaiutful boy!  I just wanted to say I have one major regret from the first month after my twin boys were born, and that is that I tortured myself trying (and failing) to breastfeed them.  I'm sure far better and more clever moms could have made it work, but I couldn't.  I gave up after a month of constant breast feeding/pumping (I never even put a shirt on after a while!) and I swear it drastically improved the quality of our lives!  Do what's good for you!
Alicia hasn't had a nose job. LOL! When I was a baby, up until I became a teen I had a nose more like my dad's and his side of the <a href="http://zuffqwhp.com">failmy</a>. As I got older, shedded the baby fat, my nose is more like my mother's and I get told I look so much like her as oppose to looking like my dad when I younger. Alicia was such a pretty baby and now she's such a pretty lady!

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