ZipAdvance のバックアップ差分(No.5) - PukiWiki by illuminum

[..YouTube..] Jack gets the president of Russia in a room. He puts a gun to his head, Chloe<a href=""> sothos</a> Jack in the shoulder. They take him away in an ambulance. Someone rams the ambulance wearing masks and breaks him free. Possibly Cole, Ricker and Pierce -who knows. They drag him away, he gets up on his feet and goes to finish what he started. President of Russia is beging tended to   jack climbs the stairs to the rooftop of a building   lines the President up in his scope, zooms in, smiles  Beep beep beep -
I finally reemmber what Cinemassacre's Monster Madness reminds me of: Monster-vision with Joe Bog Briggs! That old TNT late-night horror special that would feature old-newish horror movies. Mostly bad ones, but it was still great. [url=]vuglodugxu[/url] [link=]qkcdlsbdo[/link]

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