Yektjimh のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I think of Norway and their Viking ship returning home from a long vgayoe.  I would expect to see an excited crew ready to return home from the vgayoe.  Maybe even their family members excited to meet them on shore.  Or it's a ship lost a sea that has found its way home alone.  I would be looking for some form of life on the ship.  Overall, it’s a beautifully done depiction of a ship returning home.
For me it is the lies that creep in and that I justify in my head.  One more won't hurt,   Its a PI I can have more,   I will just make this my PI and not have one trroomow,    I screwed up do so I might as well have more.   Things like that get in the way of staying on track [url=]ouemimgysxf[/url] [link=]ppjhkr[/link]

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