Xfwunhcu のバックアップ(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

it shouldn't hurt,  while I was havnig pain . I probably should have just relaxed and gone with the flow a little more! My husband was incredibly helpful and supportive, but between post-partum hormones and lack of sleep, I would go from moments of feeling like a superwoman to feeling like there was no way I could ever keep this up! It got so much better and easier after those first few weeks! My son just turned one, and we are weaning now. I never thought we'd make it this far, but I am so happy it worked out. Whether you continue with breastfeeding, do a mix, or switch to formula, you are doing what works and is best for you, James, and the family. So happy for you all   seeing his picture makes me want another newborn around!

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