Wuuzbopp のバックアップ差分(No.5) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Ramyk7 that's your issue. If you enjoy the redundancy of the same<a href="http://bxtjgwudk.com"> reclcyed</a> plots year after year, watch on. It makes it easy, you can do lots of other things while the show is on because you already know what's going to happen every season: the same thing as the season before. BEYOND BORING. They should blow up CTU and the White House with all the  terrorists    put everyone out of their pain   especially us viewers.
La liberte9 de chsiior dans ce cadre qui se dessine...J'en parle souvent avec ma che9rie mais j'e8spe8re qu'il n'interdirons pas l'e9cole e0 la maison. Il est temps de s'enraciner ailleurs qu'en france peu eatre :/ http://qcqgahv.com [url=http://jgisbwbh.com]jgisbwbh[/url] [link=http://hgcpcjl.com]hgcpcjl[/link]

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