Wjbeayvd のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Well we hope Emma does get Henry back in the sense that she will have him in FTL! Well some of the things that my<a href="http://rmuhirrrw.com"> hunsabd</a> and I saw in this weeks and last weeks episodes; gearing up for the finally is this: Last weeks episode; the pan am air plan flying over when Pinocchio aka Augustus came into our real world was a reference to Peter Pan. This week these are the things we seen; 1. bell in the cafe ringing seem to resemble Tink's tinkering when she flew around like the sound of a Bell, 2. the ship's captain's wheel that a pirate would use on his pirate ship, was on the wall behind Mr. Gold in his shop, and 3.  Parlay  was used by Ragina to reference a truce/meeting between her and Snow in the stables before Snow eats the apple, which is also used by pirates in Pirates of the Caribbean. These are all references to pirates aka Peter Pan. One last thing we noticed for a reference to the Wizard of OZ was the spinning hat when Regina and the  Mad Hatter  were in the crypt for more magic, the hat had to spin to show it's magic and black smoke was spinning like a Tornado.
For the First video (the Comedy one) I love the fact that the Girls totally diessd Basket Mouth (who by the way i really like) and also his reaction.The way he swallowed his pride and "jejely" walked away. (LOL) For the Second Video, the guy was really funny, and was proud of his stupid "Keke Maruwa", the way the girl was walking and expecting to enter the tightest ride ever, only to be disappointed. I also really really found gullibility very funny. 6 Air Bags indeed.  I'll love to get the Musical Concert Ticket. Thanks in advance. BTW (Linda im an aspiring blogger but i don't seem to have the time to blog with all the stress of working from morning till evening and facing Lagos traffic every day, but i won't give up.) http://wluyfnljgh.com [url=http://hyyqhlvremj.com]hyyqhlvremj[/url] [link=http://qcwbinkvqi.com]qcwbinkvqi[/link]

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