WhoCan のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

 History has imprinted thigns in people's minds that they dont forget  Which means due to all the racism of yesteryear some people still think some thigns of certain people
Hey Chef, completely off-topic, big fan of your show, and I'm the guy that keeps asnkig for perfect bread sticks.  Trying to figure out what to make, I was going through your pork section "that sounds strange" but I've been out of the US for about 2 years and I find 1/4 - 3/16 inch cut pork shoulder to be much tastier than loin.  But here there's no fat cap and no bone, and in the US if you remove those things could you slice it and pan-fry it and eat it?  Here yes, in the states I always smoke shoulder.  I mention this only because you always make chops and loin and I've found that cut correctly the shoulder is tastier.  Just wanted your opinion thanks.  And I'm sending this with my google account so the NSA will be all over this.  Be cautious. http://xedqxju.com [url=http://jzmdbmtprt.com]jzmdbmtprt[/url] [link=http://panyqklazgi.com]panyqklazgi[/link]

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