Vypbyvfg のバックアップ差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Heather,I'm not sure if you read these, or if you really need any more adcive, but I'll just chime in with this:  What makes nursing easier is that your baby gets bigger. Little mouths hurt, chafe, pinch, etc. But as babies grow, they open wider and even an  imperfect  latch is no big deal.  Life SUCKED for me when my son was born because he was allergic to milk (thus no milk-based formula) and I was reluctant to give him soy (personally not prepared to research estrogen effects on little boys because I was too tired). So, I dreaded nursing, I cried, I screamed, I pumped .and then when he didn't have a mouth the size of a cheerio, it just didn't hurt. I surprised myself that we lasted til 13 months. I didn't set any goals just had to do what was right that day.  Anyhow, if it is awful now, just know that every day that he grows, his mouth grows!   Good luck!! You are walking a well-worn path here!

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