Vsjsqbca のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Hi Nephele!I know some agents prdiove editorial assistance to clients prior to subbing to publishers (if they think the MS needs some tweaking). Do Knight Agency agents prdiove this service?Also (sorry, sneaking one more in!), is the agency open for queries the rest of this month? I didn't see anything noted on the homepage.Many thanks for your time!Jen
This program takes the Zig-Zag<a href="http://sgurepkxtm.com"> cncoept</a> of nutrition to the next level.  It's simple to implement.  Since starting it myself and following the T.N.B. workouts to the letter.. I've gained 2 lbs of lean muscle and lost ~2% body fat.Really quite a feat considering I've been an advanced trainee for over a decade.For some reason I figured this would be a lot harder technically.  Tom really puts this into perspective and makes it a simple to follow<a href="http://sgurepkxtm.com"> cncoept</a>.  If you want a body transformation, this program is a very good place to start.

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