Vrheqbxl のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Chef,There has been a significant inasecre in the number of hacked yahoo and live/hotmail accounts in the last two weeks.  It appears that they are getting in by guessing the 'security questions'.  Many people's are very easy to guess.So after you change your password, change your security questions to something that is impossible to guess.  Perhaps even answer them with gibberish like '$&$%^&44754'.That'll put an end to it.
[..YouTube..] Please somebody<a href="http://ezzqctxwywy.com"> epxialn</a> these photos (from the final episode) :oops, i can't copy it :-(find: splash news   Kiefer Sutherland gets bloodied and bruised

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