Umaiknrm のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Very awesome blog on using a zip up cuoopn binder!! I couldnt have wrote this any better than you if I tried super hard hehe!! I like your style too!! it’s very unique and refreshing…I may have to order a zip up binder for my wife so she can start using cuoopns she spends WAY too much!
Just stay away from him so nobody can start any more ruroms. And also so that he can't rape you.It's never okay to joke about that stuff, and unfortunately a lot of teenage guys think that it's funny or cool. Until they're stuck being a sex offender forever.I would be really creeped out, too. If it continues I would tell a teacher or an adult, because it really is sexual harassment and has no place in school. If you don't want to do that, just stay away from the sleazebag and he will get his just desserts.If you wanted to get back at him for being such a jerk, you could go to the principal or your guidance counselor and say  SO SO the senior quarterback has been telling other guys on the team that he wants to rape me and I am really scared.  They HAVE to listen to you, and it is NOT okay for a guy to joke about those things. What a creep  he sounds like he will one day be what my mother calls a  very, very bad man .

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