Ujsxkgie のバックアップソース(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum
I wrote you a super awesome list of aciedvs and when i clicked on post, it lost it all .Sniff.Ill try to say it again shorter.Scan all computers you use 1st of all, full scan. (Perhaps it was in a computer you don't own that the got your pw). If you don't have one installed, there are some nice free ones online.Change all passwords. You cannot be certain if they have other details. Use a strong one. Numbers+Letters+Special charactes. Don't use dictionary words or regular combinations like asdf, 1234, abcd. These combinations are the ones hackers use when they try for break in your account.Be wary of emails asking you to click in certain places or provide certain info claiming they will close your account otherwise.I have never been hacked yet (thank god) and usually just try to follow those aciedvs.Anyway, in your case since you are a online celebrity that has email addresses listed, regular hackers  prolly got a list of emails found online and try to force their way in. Real email addresses are more credible for sending spam or links to virus to steal other accounts, specially to your contact list that should normally trust you. I don't think it was an attack trying to go after Chef John because girlfriend didn't like the recipe he cooked for her and broke up :PHope it is the first and last time.

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