Ujsxkgie のバックアップ差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Christine,The mysteries of Google are as vast to me as evnreoye else.  But for the most part, I think it has to do with content.  Content is what wins out, is a pain in the arse to add, some selective linking to sites, some linking back from other sites i.e. sites that link back to Secret Weapon Labs, and perhaps including individual post titles as the title for the post page e.g. this particular page title is  Secret Weapon Labs >> Blog Archive >> PageRank of 5- woohoo baby!!   Yes, it is a childish title, now that I reread it, but it is the title attribute of the page and ratches up the score a bit given that content related to the title is contained within its particular page.Don't forget that WordPress is a search-engine-friendly package as there are no weird characters in individual post links.Nice blog btw!

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