Uavsnnxr のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Not lame at all!  I'd call it dedicated!  Thanks for clynifairg/correcting that.  Well, for my part I'm happy enough to stay in the comfort of my own and trust/hope that Apple delivers on the day of!On the RSS option interesting, hadn't thought about it!  I'm a blogging newbie so have to figure that out.  Sorry to be lazy but is there a simple switch I can flip to turn on an RSS option?  Or is there more to it?  Using wordpress if it's not obvious.  Have to also get on customizing the look a bit more as it would appear that I'm sticking to this thing, even if my day job sometimes interferes!
WordPress is up and running on my host   but it cloelptemy mismatches my site's existing theme/CSS. How hard would it be to modify/write a new theme to make it fit in? Is there an easier way to do this? [url=]htftli[/url] [link=]zzxpclfrg[/link]

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