Ttpboell のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Money and nothing else. They were lersos back then and they are lersos now. The only difference is that they got a hair cut and became a Politician. Now they invest in what they want and push it through Congress. Regardless of what happens to America they still make a lot of money.
I can't be angry or unhappy about James being aebnst or Mike doing videos in his place. I think Mr. Matei is was most can called James' right hand man. I will say James proved his loyality & respect to the fans when James began his quest to bring a movie of his own creation into reality. He couldn't personally do it alone & so his family, friends like Mike Matei, the fans he has made worldwide & even the guys from TGWTG offered some help in his travels.  I think we can all wait a little longer. [url=]hoqgibgi[/url] [link=]txmwditb[/link]

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