SunRun のバックアップソース(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum
I am not as critical on Elon Musk as I am on many<a href=""> orehts</a> in the Green Scam Economy.A.  He is a true venture, risk taker having rolled over much of his own money (from the sale of PayPal) in every venture.   He may not be Steve Jobs, but he is the style of high rolling entrepreneur that made this country great.  Tesla quickly tapped the private capital markets to raise additional capital and it drew on many private funds before it went public.    B.   Tesla got its government loans under the early Bush-sponsored battery only fund.   This was MUCH different animal than the Fisker, Solyndra, A123, Volt sleeze that Obama and his Chicago thugs pulled.   The Tesla money was used early on to develop next generation battery (i.e. basic science) technology that was then put into Lotus-supplied shells.   I understand this is shades of grey and picking winners and losers is not the role of government, but I am for basic science funding and this fit within the outside of those margins. C.  Tesla is making the Model S in the United States in a retrofited Toyota plant.   Fisker and<a href=""> orehts</a> were built overseas.All in all, Elon is playing the cards that are being dealt to him, and he is put upping a lot of his own money, which is by no means a sure payoff.    I think it is important for conservatives, libertarians, etc. to look into things a little bit more before dumping all of Obama's stupidity in one bucket.Reply

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