Slizddnv のバックアップ差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

, I cannot count the aomnut of times women have written me, telling me that they have been really depressed or stuck in a funk and saw these photos that lifted their spirits and got them laughing. We don't aim to mimic anybody. I am not posing for a photo thinking,  I'm going to try to look just like Sharon.  I am simply trying to make myself as horrifying as possible with the contortions of my own face. I am defying what the world wants of me. We, every one of us who participate, are liberating ourselves from the expectation that we should always be beautiful, graceful, and ladylike. That being ugly is some kind of curse. They want a pretty smile, perfect skin, flawless hair. And we are telling them,  tough shit, we're going to give you the opposite of what you want. This project has taught me confidence. I don't like certain parts of my body and my face, and I think most women can relate. When I take these ugly photos, I aim to enhance everything I dislike about myself. Crooked nostrils are prominently on display, makeup has been washed clean so that I can display my acne proudly, and teeth showing so that those crooked buggers can do their thing. It's liberating and freeing to display the parts of me that I used to be embarrassed about. I'm saying,  Here are my flaws, now do your worst. I can understand your apprehension. A few others have expressed the same concerns. But I want you to know that I care deeply for women and see this as a way for us to loose ourselves and show the world our own power. The aomnut of good I think outweighs the insecurity some feel when viewing these photos. But I truly believe that it is nearly impossible not to laugh and smile when you take part in this yourself or when you see girls who are really successful in pulling it off. I hope you reconsider your stance and see this project as something that is deeper than getting superficial thrills off of making fun of people who are different than us.Take care, and I hope this helps ease your troubled heart.

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