Sjuojijb のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

>wow, thank you for all the responses, I knew beroglgs would be able to help. My problem is I am not sure what I want, lol. I know I want at least one picture in the header, that I would also like to use as my button for other beroglgs to put on their blogs. I know I want something with borders and a pretty textured back ground, something  country cottage  looking without copying thescreamingmeme's blog (although I LOVE her header)possibly with old style kitchen gadgets mixed in (scrap book looking)I have a few different pictures, but actually need to go to Kroger because I want to try something really fun to do a picture with (and I don't want pictures found all over the internet)
Oh Heather and Mike, I am so sorry.  No one really ever knows why these <a href="">thgins</a> happen but I truely believe there is a greater plan ahead for you.  But really life, give the Spohrs a break already!  Sending hugs your way.

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