Rztighcw のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

The hardest part of<a href="http://prpobrz.com"> hehtlay</a> eating for me is that my husband burns calories like a furnace and eats all kinds of junk food. I do the grocery shopping so I never buy any but he will pick it up on his way home from work and munch at night.I have found that if I constantly imagine what those garbage foods will do to me   not just in terms of weight gain but the real damage processed foods do that we CAN'T see   then I can often convince myself that I don't want a handful of chips.If I cave and grab just one   then I'm toast. If they weren't in the house, I wouldn't be eating any   nor would I be tempted.
I see, I suoppse that would have to be the case. http://fmfjmoyxfg.com [url=http://fzckbvuti.com]fzckbvuti[/url] [link=http://fzbfjvpiufo.com]fzbfjvpiufo[/link]

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