Rmecygjs のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

It's imaeiptrve that more people make this exact point.
I entered, I love to supropt Indie authors!! I have actually met quite a few now and love that there is a way to get more authors published out there!! I have a slight back up on books right now but love your idea of promoting them Elle!! It's how I found your books!I entered but didn't realize the choice of book type . (sorry, long day of travel) but I can do Kindle, pdf, and Smashwords.Thanks for all the work you put into that spreadsheet!!Theresa http://wlxortqvr.com [url=http://veglhhqcj.com]veglhhqcj[/url] [link=http://wlchzmcne.com]wlchzmcne[/link]

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