Rlxrfovg のバックアップソース(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum
Hey there Dan!  Still letting you know this is an exleelcnt plugin  and the best out there for event listings, etc.  Just to give you some feedback on the features people are requesting, here is what I have run across with my experience.1. Having the ability to repeat an event is really not common with regards to bands   but believe it or not, I have run into needing this feature a few times with the band sites I manage.  Really, bands won't need to repeat a gig week after week, but might need to copy the gig for the next night.  This is what I have run into, especially when bands are going out for such things as a weekend long bike rally, or CMA Fan Fair week, etc.  So, maybe not necessarily a feature to repeat shows, but a  copy  feature would be pleasant.   Just FYI, I did try out the GigPress plugin (Gigs Calendar surpasses it by a long shot), but they do have this feature where you can copy a gig and publish it for another date (they also have a multiple day event feature, which is kinda nifty I guess).2. I haven't had the need to disable comments (but most of my band sites do not support commenting because it is too much maintenance).3. I seem to have no troubles getting my clients to understand the Gigs Calendar management area.  Of course, thats after they get past the whole IE issue (I really should plaster a huge note across the WordPress dashboard that I do not support IE!!)Anyway   thanks again for this wonderful plugin.By the way, I did come here to see why and how I wasn't able to see the settings.  Creating a new admin user worked fine.  I bet you're pulling your hair out on that one!

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