Pqfshhii のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I was so confused about what to buy, but this makes it unrsaetanddble.
mbrcatzApril 24, 2013</a>Well, you're mistaken about viraga ALWAYS being covered.  It's not.Yes, just about every insurance company offers birth control coverage, but you have to select that option when you first BUY your policy.  The more coverages you want, the more the insurance is going to cost.Many employers will have group plans that do NOT include coverage for this.But your beef isn't with the insurance industry, if you're trying to get birth control without a prescription   it's with the FDA, which requires a prescription for birth control pills.  Birth control that you can get, without a prescription, is called "condoms".   Or "abstinance".  The REASON why birth control pills are a prescription, is because they carry a small risk of SERIOUS side effects.   Like stroke.Reply</a>

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