Pmhomozm のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I know how terrible that can be.  Watching the nusres poke and poke over and over again trying to find a microscopic vein to start an IV.  My son was in the hospital for a terrible infection at 8 months old.  One IV sort of dried up??, and the other one, he pulled out.  The last one they put in  him during that stay was in his head.  I knew when they took him away they were going to do it in his head, but nothing prepared me for actually seeing the IV tubes going out of his sweet little head.  God I cried and cried when I saw that.  It's also heartbreaking to see a baby after surgery, with all the heart monitors, oxygen sensor, and whatever else they have those poor kids hooked up to.
cute!but about the nose job, the only reason i don't think she had it is b/c w/o <a href="">maukep</a>, her nose doesn't look as pointy anyway. they use <a href="">maukep</a> to contour her nose. i saw pics of her on sandra rose too and her nose was rounder but it was really wide or flat. it was a regular nose. and she does add weave to her hair to the person who brought up the hair but most celebs do.

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