Pdkkmilw のバックアップソース(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum
Hi Ken,I found the video on how to cook quinoa very<a href="http://zqurbuw.com"> hlfepull</a>. I'll just tell you a little about myself. I gave up smoking after 37 years for my new years resolution in Jan 2010, and I am smoke free now for over a year. The down side was gaining all the weight (32lbs). So for this years resolution I am eating a more healthy diet, I have not restricted my food intake as I am the type of person who has a big appetite and would crack up if I thought I'd be going hungry!!! Hence I've been shopping for food in the health food shop rather than just the supermarket and I came across Quinoa and I was a big worried about how to cook it but having seen the video now on your site it's so simple, so thank you for your video, regards, Bernie.

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