Oeypjwjd のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

[..YouTube..] guys OMG i was watching the<a href="http://xgdpsgcjpeg.com"> tlriaer</a> by pausing every second and in the flashback jack was pushing tony i think there going 2 make a movie that would be so awesome and pause the<a href="http://xgdpsgcjpeg.com"> tlriaer</a> at 15 to 16 seconds and you will see jack pushing tony awesome vid dude i cant wait until monday and good job on 14006 views
a little cnuofsed by your comment. You begin by saying  teachers already do this  then complain that it could be a problem with support. So what happens when your embed codes do not work? Do students not call the helpdesk?Also as Phil correctly pointed out, an embed code isn't necessarily an integration. Yes the YouTube LTI can been seen as something less amazing because it just adds a search YouTube button onto the text editor. For some of us that's not a big deal since I know Canvas can just take a URL from YouTube and automatically embed it (which is awesome). However if I'm a 55+ year old returning student I may not know how to do that, and if I don't see a big YouTube button in my text editor I'm going to call the teacher to get help which the teacher shouldn't have to deal with.The advantage of the learning platform and this App Center vs. a traditional L.M.S. is IT departments (hopefully) won't have to try to please every single learner and instructor at their institution with their system choice. My school for example has spent years evaluating and eventually choosing a new L.M.S. 90% of the focus was on what tools it came with. If we had more open learning platforms we wouldn't have to worry about it. We also learned that pleasing everyone is impossible from  this system doesn't have enough color  to  I don't like that it doesn't have (insert function). Our list of complaints was never ending. No system will ever be perfect so I believe it's better to have a platform that people can mold into what they want. I believe this is what Moodle and Sakai set out to do, and what Canvas does. Canvas gets a little more of a nod since they take care of a lot of the config that causes that  openess  to become daunting. While I agree to a point that there needs to be a lot of oversight regarding the LTI integrations one of the beautiful aspects of LTI is how simple they are to setup. My one concern right now is that some of these LTI's come with a cost or additional fee in order to setup. I'm hoping the list will indicate those to faculty so our IT department doesn't get a bill! http://mevwnh.com [url=http://yuxsiqjaqf.com]yuxsiqjaqf[/url] [link=http://xxomdyieiit.com]xxomdyieiit[/link]

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