Mgnsqrqc のバックアップ差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Hi Holly,I have learned in the past two trafinormatsons how to be consistent with my workouts, and supportive eating.  I have a problem with portion sizes and even more importantly, and I have set this as a goal, to lower my intake of complex carbs to up to lunch.  I succeeded in taking sugar out of my the equation but lowering my intake of carbs seems impossible. I noticed that you hardly eat complex carbs how do you do this? Not only is this something I need to do so I can reach my  looking good  goals but I am borderline diabetes and I have to do something about this if I don't want to go on medication eventually. Please help!
Oh, the biggest<a href=""> qeoutisn</a> ever. . .what will it take for me to  stick  to my plan????  To have faith in myself. . .to feel that I deserve that time for me and not give in to the husband, kids, the job and the easy lifestyle.  Like so many others   I need to see results.  And for added bonsus   you come and be my personal  kick my butt & educate me  for about two weeks!  I say 2 because I'm a needy person. . I would prefer a month but I couldn't do that to you, nor your family.

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