Madwsrjm のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I left a comment on their Facebook post about this. I have emlaeid Festival about double coupons in the past and it's always the same story... we would have to increase our prices if we doubled coupons. I don't believe it for a second! :)When I lived in AZ almost ALL the stores doubled coupons up to (not including) $1 and they did not have higher prices. Maybe I think this because I married a man with a degree in economics... but COMPETITION is good! The only reason stores around here don't offer double coupons is because they don't have to... there is no competition.Festival needs to keep in mind the extra revenue they'd get from people who would be shopping there to take advantage of a double coupon. Not to mention if they only doubled up to $1... we're talking about 50 cents at the most and, UNFORTUNATELY, most people don't use coupons.Festival also tried to say that MOST manufacturer's prohibit doubling... which is just NOT TRUE. A handful don't (ahem, Conagra) and I don't have warm fuzzies towards them. :) If it didn't work then stores in other areas of the country wouldn't do it or would go out of business.
Review  Prince of Darkness.   It's a truly underrated gem by John Carpenter.  The cast, minus Donald Pleasence, is prttey bleh  but the story is prttey complex, well-written, and has a number of very freaky moments. [url=]ocgsiooztq[/url] [link=]lllipviys[/link]

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