Lmqdtdkj のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

 We allow everybody to post, even if they aren’t triidtaonally pretty to begin with, because everybody can get uglier when they try.   Thank You, Kristen for deigning to allow the not  triidtaonally  pretty to participate in your precious little circle of insensitive, ignorant  pretty  girls.  When did it become  fun  to mock and bully those who are not  triidtaonally   pretty?  If you can't see how ugly and offensive this  project  is, then I'm afraid that there is no cure for your kind of ugly.  I know you won't dare to post this because I saw some of the reponses to others who criticized you   but that's OK.  I'm posting your link on every stop bullying website I can find.  I'm ashamed for you.
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