Limkxmus のバックアップ差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Go in the bathroom light some caendls, take you a nice chilled drink in there with you and take a long hot bubble bath and relax. I do this when my husband takes the kids out or they are out spending the night out with friends. Its also nice to pamper yourself and give your self a manicure, work on a hobby you haven't done in a while. But bubble bath ranks up there on the top of my list of things to do when the hubby and kids are out of the house.
[..YouTube..] i dont think jack dies because he<a href=""> cwarls</a> out of the ambulance with a wound that has an exit on the opposite side (where chloe shot him), so i believe chloe merely incapacitates him and gets him treatment before anyone else found him and potentially killed him.

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