Kzrzymzh のバックアップ差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I preferred giettng notifications from the sponsors of events. The digests are very sketchy, and clicking on a link to find out more information just brings up the College calendar not very informative. Worse, it takes a long time for that link to load (at least on my phone) so that I can find out who's involved in an event. If we're going to stick with this system (and I'd vote for reverting to the old one), could you add to the  digest  information the name(s) of College people or organizations that are involved? For instance, for  Works in Progress,  name the faculty member who is presenting. If it's a brown-bag panel, mention the sponsoring organization. I'd also suggest sending this out Thursday, to provide a bit more lead-time.

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