Kxhbkgst のバックアップソース(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum
Im a 52 yr. old woman and it does matter.  You shulod talk to your doctor because women my age/your age still want sex.  I dont mean to be so blunt but it's true.  I would tell as soon as you start dating because it does make a difference.  I would do the same if I started to date someone and something significant was going on with me I would want him to know before I invested my time in him and then he found out and dumped me. Who wants to get hurt AGAIN at this age.  It literally sucks.  And hey, your situation is normal because at our age things go downhill anyways. It's a part of life and as a 52 yr. old woman it's not like I dont know that, but dont get me wrong. SEx is a big part of a relationship and if we are attracted to each other then we both need to do what we can to keep that part of our relationship in check.  Ya know what I mean?  It matters.

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