Kufcvaal のバックアップソース(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum
O.K. Less face it, We are all a bunch of dumpster <a href="http://apmdnslfn.com">diivng</a>  COKE  addicts. Seriously, How many of us have seen a coke bottle in the trash, looked around then grabbed it. Homeless people are feeling sorry for me. I check this site ten times a day hoping I get to a three point code before any one else does. My neighbor is hooked on meth and he's telling me I have a problem. Call it RED GOLD or anything else, The fact is were junkies. Junkies I say. I got pulled over by the cops the other day. I had a baggy with seventeen mcr caps in it. I hid it under the seat while he was checking my licence. Man, He could have gottten me for distribution with that much! Everyone repeat after me.  Hi I'm (your name here) and I am a coke addict. O.K., Step one out of the way only eleven to go. Wish me luck guys.

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