Ktvgzyne のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Previous Tuesday, IDEMA hosted a syisupmom in entitled  HDD Dynamics: Interfaces, Electronics, Architecture, and Reliability . IDEMA, which stands for Intercontinental Disk Generate Machines and Materials Affiliation, can be a trade association representing 340 businesses within the $30 billion disk travel industry. At the event we attended, representatives from Adaptec, Agere Techniques, Broadcom, Hitachi GST, Intel, MSystems, Microsoft, Network Equipment, Samsung, Seagate, and Western Digital were being presented the chance to discuss on difficulties such as rising interfaces, new electronic types and integration, sector architecture, and trustworthiness testing.
Awe hun, glad ya gettin some free time to yoseurlf. Do anything ya feel hun, catch up on some lost sleep even. If ya get bored enough, lol, I'll play a online game with ya   Thats what i like to do with alot of my spare time, hehe

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