Kpgnluis のバックアップソース(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum
What makes it hard for me to eat the right foods is literally <a href="">crvagnis</a> for the  bad  stuff.  There are days where sweets is all I want then it's salt or spicy stuff.  It is difficult to  not  eat these types of foods given the huge variety of them available to you on a discounted price tag.  Wholesome and healthy foods are hard to buy when they are out of season or you may consider growing them yourself.  I have contemplated buying a freezer to keep fruits all year long.  I still have to learn how to eat most veggies   yup I don't think they are my friend and have a hard time getting the nerve to eat some of them. I just keep trying each day to eat the right things for my body and what it needs to reshape to how I want it to be.  I hope this helps someone.

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