Kfxxcsle のバックアップソース(No.5) - PukiWiki by illuminum
I have been reviewing gettnig an ipad for this purpose, and the truth is, yes you might be able to get a used book for less, but not likely. I have already evaluated the textbooks I will need for the next year and between the kindle store and course smart, I would save money. Most textbooks I would buy, I would sell back anyway, so not being able to keep it is not important, and considering you get back squat when you resell the books, it really wouldn't be that huge of a cost advantage. What would be a huge advantage, and worth the price discrepancy, imho, is not ever having to carry a book again. I can take notes, download the professors powerpoint lectures, and have the text books for all of my classes on one small device- not the mention the ability to interface and crossreference one with the other and sync what I have done to my desktop. Meaning I don't need to cart around 25 lbs of books that I constantly have to load and unload- also, I wouldn't need by laptop with me either, as surfing the web, email, and basic word processing is there for me. So, instead of a unwieldy backpack (did I say I commute 5 miles to school by bike, carry a very small one with an ipad and my lab book. Studying also becomes much easier to do on the fly.This is the wave of the future, and I'm hoping it will be my future starting as soon as I can get the funds together. http://qpuszktzwxq.com [url=http://aofuwxa.com]aofuwxa[/url] [link=http://euwfaktwmd.com]euwfaktwmd[/link]

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