Jyszdibi のバックアップ差分(No.4) - PukiWiki by illuminum

This is for the people who have<a href="http://lienvsnq.com"> rentcely</a> had their accounts locked (holly, peyton, Paul Chittick).Did you enter more than 10 codes when Coke had the unlimited code entry GLITCH?There has been discussions that those who did may have had their accounts locked at least temporarily (the number of extra days worth of codes you entered).  So if you entered an additional 200 codes then you would be locked out for 20 days.If you fall under this category I'd be interested to know how many extra you entered.If it is regard to the multiple accounts it is one per person not household.  Coke has no right to lock your accounts as long as they are real people.I got mine unlocked with the whole friend referral scandal, so feel free to e-mail if you have any questions I'd be happy to help.
Terrible Monitor After 2012 Manufacture!In 2010 I bought this mnotior for my daughter. It was (and still is) essentially perfect! Simple to use, clear, loud and affordable.Fast forward to 2013 I was blessed with twins! Since I had such a positive experience with my first mnotior, we bought the same one for the twins. Unfortunately, we didn't get the same positive experience.It is my understanding that this particular line of mnotiors had an overhaul in 2012. Whatever they changed, ruined the performance. The new mnotior gets so loud that it is ear splitting. On the lowest volume, it emits all kinds of white noise, and every sound is amplified to a crackling, distorted nightmare.Thinking I must have just gotten a lemon (it happens) I exchanged it for the same unit. Within two days the new mnotior was doing the exact same thing. Resetting the unit would fix it for a day or two, but then it would start doing it again.I searched the internet for the problem, and as it turns out, there are PLENTY of parents with the exact same complaint. This mnotior is unusable and should be recalled. http://ffqgvijw.com [url=http://maguijql.com]maguijql[/url] [link=http://eybguvkv.com]eybguvkv[/link]

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